2024 Creighton Volleyball

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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby LJay » Fri Jan 10, 2025 7:29 pm

I’m not tied into volleyball pretty much at all so can someone explain to me how pro volleyball thinks it can support two pro leagues and two separate franchises in Omaha? How much can these players be making?
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby omajay » Fri Jan 10, 2025 9:45 pm

I think I read the minimum salary for the Supernovas league is $60,000 and the max is around $160,000.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby jaysfan3 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:08 pm

LJay wrote:I’m not tied into volleyball pretty much at all so can someone explain to me how pro volleyball thinks it can support two pro leagues and two separate franchises in Omaha? How much can these players be making?

I think eventually one of the leagues will go away. I think PVF will survive. I believe PVF is the closest to NBA, NFL, etc. With PVF, all 8 franchises select their own teams, there’s a draft every year, etc.

With LOVB, I heard someone describe it as if you are just playing a different team every week from the same club. I heard there’s no yearly draft and the teams don’t choose their own players. I believe LOVB has the better players right now with a lot of the players being Olympians. I’m going to guess that’s why players like Lexi Rodriquez, Madison Skinner, etc chose to play for LOVB.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby jaysfan3 » Fri Jan 10, 2025 10:17 pm

Also, I think if there’s any city that can support two separate franchises it’s Omaha. Volleyball is huge in Nebraska.

I know it being the first game of the season + a Friday night probably has a little bit to do with it but the supernovas have 13,000+ at the game tonight.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby jaykorver » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:11 pm

Great debut for Jaali with Omaha
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby Wizard of Westroads » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:38 pm

jaysfan3 wrote:
LJay wrote:I’m not tied into volleyball pretty much at all so can someone explain to me how pro volleyball thinks it can support two pro leagues and two separate franchises in Omaha? How much can these players be making?

I think eventually one of the leagues will go away. I think PVF will survive. I believe PVF is the closest to NBA, NFL, etc. With PVF, all 8 franchises select their own teams, there’s a draft every year, etc.

With LOVB, I heard someone describe it as if you are just playing a different team every week from the same club. I heard there’s no yearly draft and the teams don’t choose their own players. I believe LOVB has the better players right now with a lot of the players being Olympians. I’m going to guess that’s why players like Lexi Rodriquez, Madison Skinner, etc chose to play for LOVB.

LOVB has the advantage of tying in with clubs teams, so there's a draw that way.

As for Omaha, I agree the Supernovas will survive here. Winning last year helped, and they seem to have a fan base with younger girls who recognize the names of Batenhorst, Wait, Krause more than the older stars like Jordan Larson, who they've only seen at the Olympics.

We've seen any number of pro league startups flop, but I think volleyball has a chance. Mothers LOVE it, far more than women's hoops. Less trash talking, no physicality with the net between the teams, and the positivity (smiling, huddling up every point) is hard to beat. I think men will get to like it too. The athleticism, skill and excitement is off the charts. Nobody watches men's vb, so nothing to compare it to, unlike with basketball.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby CPJays » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:49 pm

Feels like the best case scenario is the two leagues merge and they find 16-20 markets that make sense and support volleyball.

I know there have been some insane articles about the Rays and NHL in Omaha, but this is our most realistic chance to have a professional team established here. Omaha loves the sport, we are in at the beginning of the league and volleyball has a great chance to gain popularity.

Hopefully these new leagues and owners have the backing to keep this thing rolling. Would be a lot of fun and really good for the city to have a professional franchise to get behind.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby jaykorver » Fri Jan 10, 2025 11:51 pm

LJay wrote:I’m not tied into volleyball pretty much at all so can someone explain to me how pro volleyball thinks it can support two pro leagues and two separate franchises in Omaha? How much can these players be making?

The two leagues are a bit hard to compare since they have different models. Omaha and Atlanta were both picked to have teams in each league. PVF has a traditional model with separate owners for each team. I think last year all but 2 players made 60k and two players on each team could be franchised to make 100k. I think 60k is still the minimum but the max has gone up and I think more players can make above that range. They also have their housing provided. One issue with PVF is that players can be cut at any time. That may not sound weird if you follow most pro sports but that is highly unusual for pro volleyball where basically every other league has guaranteed contracts.

LOVB owns ~60 club volleyball programs nationally and are using some of the funds they've raised through team fees, tournaments, and clinics to help fund the league. I believe they also announced that they have received 160M in investments prior to launching this season. There aren't individual owners and players sign with the league and then are assigned by the league to different teams. LOVB has not been as transparent with player salaries afaik but I think they also cover housing and contracts with LOVB are guaranteed through the season.

Best case scenario would be the leagues merging but I don't know if that will be possible with such drastically different ownership models unless one changes that. The player talent pool is better in LOVB but we will see which one can bring home the revenue to stay alive.
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby Jaybird » Sat Jan 11, 2025 2:22 am

Wizard of Westroads wrote:As for Omaha, I agree the Supernovas will survive here. Winning last year helped, and they seem to have a fan base with younger girls who recognize the names of Batenhorst, Wait, Krause more than the older stars like Jordan Larson, who they've only seen at the Olympics.

On top of all that, they must have a really creative marketing team. They did what experts have always claimed couldn’t be done. They adapted baseball's popular bat night promotions to Supernova volleyball. There was a live bat flying around CHI tonight.

Think about that next Creighton home game. "Daddy, what's that?" "Never mind. Just watch the game. But don't take your cap off".
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Re: 2024 Creighton Volleyball

Postby jaykorver » Tue Jan 14, 2025 3:52 pm

CSC Academic All-American teams were announced today. Kendra is back on the 1st team and Norah is on the 2nd team. This is Kendra's 3rd academic AA honor, she was 1st team last year and 2nd team in 2022.
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