by NateFunkyTown » Wed Sep 18, 2024 12:41 pm
A very happy 21st birthday to the oldest true freshman in the BE!! Absolutely pumped to see Fedor play. On that note, I've seen all the speculation about him potentially being ruled ineligible. I kind of assumed that he would not have come over if that was a real possibility, and that the reason it took him so long to officially sign with the Jays was that Creighton, Fedor, and the NCAA were working through the paperwork to ensure he would be eligible and allowed to play.
Maybe I was wrong to make that assumption. And yes, I know the NCAA is a utter-less flaming dumpster fire that has no idea how to handle any of these situations with consistency or tact. All that being said, has anyone heard anything concrete on this eligibility situation? Is it a *real* concern? Are CBB writers bringing it up in a purely speculative manner because this situation is clearly so unique? Is it more likely he is suspended to start the year, and gains eligibility later on, or is it more of a all or nothing he'll be ruled ineligible or eligible and it's over with?
Sorry super long-winded post. I'm just so excited for this team and season, but a lot of that excitement hinges on the fact that Fedor is on the roster and playing. The top end talent and depth takes a big hit without him. Fingers crossed he's good to go!