2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby whtblu » Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:02 pm

vivid_dude wrote:
I believe that's called a "Cavel Witter" in the basketball world. Loved Cavel, but that was a frustrating part of his game too.

My apologies for being so brash in suggesting everyone would have taken TyTy over the three. Good points to the contrary. I still contend it's insane to suggest, without any evidence, that CU cooled on him and that's why he went to Lexington. But that's a different argument.

I think everyone agrees it worked out for the best, so let's sing Kumbaya for Kaluma and the guys who stuck around and, I don't know, might eventually win a national championship.


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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby ZMagic30 » Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:11 pm

Cmon guys, we have the Tuggs thread for this kind of thing.
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby go_jays » Sat Apr 09, 2022 10:19 pm

Realhoops wrote:
vivid_dude wrote:
jpinkham3 wrote:This thread devolved quickly.

One terrible, unfounded, no-logic-behind-it opinion can do that rather easily.

I hope TyTy becomes an NBA All-Star. Jay fans can have some nice Russell-Westbrook-esque reminiscing about him. In this case, it totally worked out for the better for the Jays. I wouldn't trade any of our three freshmen for TyTy today. Everybody would have traded any of the three for TyTy 9 months ago. Get your revisionist history outta here if you say otherwise!

I would absolutely not have traded two of our three freshman for him at any time. I watched a lot of both him and Nembhard in high school, and I thought Nembhard was the better player the entire time -- he outplayed him every single time they faced each other, was a better team player, and led his team the national championship. He looked so much more like a Creighton PG than Ty-Ty did from the start. And based on raw potential and physical projections, I wouldn't have traded Art for him, either. Coming out of high school you could see the potential projections for Art and his potential to be a player we have never seen here before. Totally different players and positions, so that "trade" would have been weird anyway, but I would have taken Art over Ty Ty if you'd told me I got to pick one.

Probably would have taken him over Trey at the time. And now Trey might be my favorite of all of them. And that's probably the biggest comparison, anyway -- think that's the one we got because of the decommit that we would have missed out on otherwise.

Yeah, and there's no way that Mac or the staff could have seen the same thing in a TyTy vs Trey comparison? I think it's quite possible that they did. Since they already had a PG in Nembhard. Can't say for sure when, but it's very possible they got a commitment from Trey and decided to cut TyTy loose. Again, not saying for sure that's what happened. But I'm saying that it's possible.
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby jaysfan3 » Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:06 pm

Tyty decommited a whole month before Trey even decommited from Auburn. They aren’t related.
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby Jays26 » Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:23 pm

My God GoJays let it go. We all know that you have been in coaching all your life (because you keep telling us that) but you don't "cool" on a 5 star recruit. You take him if he wants to come. He was looking for a reason to decommit and he got one. End of story.
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby go_jays » Sun Apr 10, 2022 10:42 am

Ok, carry on. 8-)
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby Bluejoe » Mon Apr 11, 2022 4:07 pm

Sure, it is a possible scenario, but its just not one that played out here. TyTy decommitted on his own volition. We weren't even recruiting Trey when TyTy decommitted. It was a whole two months later. Move along.
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Re: 2021 PG TyTy Washington (Decommitted)

Postby jays911 » Fri Dec 23, 2022 10:07 pm

In Houston watching Ty Ty and the Rockets playing Luka and the Mavs. Good player.
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