Jevon Mamon, an assistant coach at SIU, has an interesting resume. Extensive ties in Chicago, including Meanstreets. DOBO at Loyola before an assistant at SIU. Could be the 'third' assistant behind Frazier and Alexander. Would be a promotion for him and I don't see him turning us down. Seems every bit as qualified as Chin when he was hired.
He's a defensive minded coach and supposedly a good recruiter. Came to Loyola-Chi from the Chitown HS coaching ranks.
Other names in the mix: Erik Pastrana, Myers Leonard...
Daniyal Robinson
Armond Gates
Will Bailey
Tom Ostrom
Kareem Richardson
from Illinois Loyalty Board
WaltJabsco said:
The AC situation at Illinois defies conventional organizational thinking. Illinois basketball is a very good brand (though not Kentucky level). Underwood and Whitman are said to be well-liked professionally and good to work for/with. We are reportedly offering extremely competitive compensation. The program is in the midst of a highly productive period. From an organizational standpoint, we should be very attractive right now. We're ticking all the boxes. So why is our current staff all leaving, and why are we having trouble attracting our top prospective replacements?
I agree with everything you have stated. I, too, as a 'double-alum' and former varsity athlete, hold the U of I in the highest esteem and only want the best for my Alma Mater. It boggles the mind that we're struggling like this.
Good for them...