2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby CURx » Sun Dec 01, 2019 3:41 pm

You’re right. Warm fuzzies. I’m sorry.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby bluejayb13 » Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:40 pm

ZMagic30 wrote:
CURx wrote:
OmahaGuy wrote:Wait...I'm just hearing about this. He actually applied for a waiver? What's the reasoning? Don't think he'll get it though

Ah... the epitome of the message board particularly with recruiting. Someone who has NO IDEA that a waiver was even applied for then gives us their expert opinion on the matter by saying that he won't get it. :?. Just like all of those who sit in the in-home meetings and exchange conversations with parents and players and high school coaches etc.

There is zero reason that his post deserved this kind of response

The opinion given was not optimistic on Jones' chance of receiving said waiver approval. As the post was lacking optimism, it is bad and OG should feel bad.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby JD4JAYS » Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:59 pm

I’m with Z on this one. The original comment was just surprise and his off the cuff assessment. There’s no reason for an overly sarcastic response. And a post “lacks optimism” so it’s bad? And the OG should feel bad? Lighten up Francis
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby bluejayb13 » Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:10 pm

JD4JAYS wrote:I’m with Z on this one. The original comment was just surprise and his off the cuff assessment. There’s no reason for an overly sarcastic response. And a post “lacks optimism” so it’s bad? And the OG should feel bad? Lighten up Francis

I was being sarcastic my guy
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby OmahaGuy » Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:29 pm

I honestly just learned about this recently, relax. While I'd be incredibly happy to see him get a waiver, I'm not aware of what the reasoning for the waiver. That's all. If anyone could fill me in, that'd be great.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby Outlaw_Wales » Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:07 pm

ZMagic30 wrote:
CURx wrote:
OmahaGuy wrote:Wait...I'm just hearing about this. He actually applied for a waiver? What's the reasoning? Don't think he'll get it though

Ah... the epitome of the message board particularly with recruiting. Someone who has NO IDEA that a waiver was even applied for then gives us their expert opinion on the matter by saying that he won't get it. :?. Just like all of those who sit in the in-home meetings and exchange conversations with parents and players and high school coaches etc.

There is zero reason that his post deserved this kind of response

I think the response came from someone first saying he had no idea a waiver had been sought and had no idea what the basis was — but still felt confident in predicting something he didn’t know anything about would be denied. I mean, what is the basis for assuming it will be denied if you have no clue what it was even based on? Especially when other former teammates have been granted for the exact same reason?

Just a guess though.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby vivid_dude » Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:09 pm

OmahaGuy wrote:, I'm not aware of what the reasoning for the waiver. That's all. If anyone could fill me in, that'd be great.

This thread has the information you need. See the previous two pages. It’s a quick read.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby OmahaGuy » Mon Dec 02, 2019 7:36 pm

Silly me! :lol:
I could've just read the previous pages. I'm a dumbass lol.

Anyway, yup still not confident. He was apparently "ran off" of Memphis because they brought in an elite recruiting class. Not totally sure if that's a valid reason for a waiver. If it were a coaching change or an illness in the family or some other hardship, I'd be much more confident. We'll see I guess.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby jaysfan3 » Mon Dec 02, 2019 8:33 pm

OmahaGuy wrote:Silly me! :lol:
I could've just read the previous pages. I'm a dumbass lol.

Anyway, yup still not confident. He was apparently "ran off" of Memphis because they brought in an elite recruiting class. Not totally sure if that's a valid reason for a waiver. If it were a coaching change or an illness in the family or some other hardship, I'd be much more confident. We'll see I guess.

David Wingett, who also transferred from Memphis, apparently got his waiver approved for that exact reason. So if it’s true that Antwann got ran off, then I think he would have a good chance.
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Re: 2019 G Antwann Jones (Transfer Commit)

Postby JacobPadilla » Tue Dec 03, 2019 12:30 am

OmahaGuy wrote:Silly me! :lol:
I could've just read the previous pages. I'm a dumbass lol.

Anyway, yup still not confident. He was apparently "ran off" of Memphis because they brought in an elite recruiting class. Not totally sure if that's a valid reason for a waiver. If it were a coaching change or an illness in the family or some other hardship, I'd be much more confident. We'll see I guess.

Seems like a relevant tweet here.

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