Recruiting process ???

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Recruiting process ???

Postby vivid_dude » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:05 pm

I hope this is an okay place for this thread/question. Can someone who knows way more than I do about recruiting fill me in on the process? I know that's a sweepingly general question, so more specifically, how does travel, expenses, etc. all work?

For instance, when a recruit from the East Coast visits Creighton, does the athletic department pay for airfare? Hotel? Expenses? Rental cars? Anything else?

If so, are there expense limitations? When they attend Creighton games, do they get complimentary tickets? I assume they do, but I know dangerously little about this aspect of Creighton basketball. Any insights from the more-informed would be appreciated.
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby wbjay » Wed Sep 03, 2014 1:13 pm

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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby McKinney's Neighbor » Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:19 pm

I don't know anything about football, but I know a few basic things about hoops recruiting.

My elementary understanding is that a recruit can take as many unofficial visits as he wants - and there's no limit on the number of unofficial visits each school hosts. The recruit pays for everything related to the visit. The school more or less can't provide the recruit or the recruit's family with anything (ie: meals/transportation/lodging/etc.) on an unofficial visit.

And as far as officials go, each recruit can take up to 5 official visits. The school can pay for transportation, lodging and meals for the recruit during an official visit. I think the recruit can bring one family member/spouse that the school can also pay for. Also, each school can only host 12 official visits per year.

I'm not sure how tickets work.
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby CUPG24 » Wed Sep 03, 2014 3:42 pm

You can get pretty much as many tickets as you want...whether it's an official or unofficial.
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby vivid_dude » Thu Sep 04, 2014 2:05 pm

Awesome. Thanks for the information. I knew none of this.
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby LJay » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:32 pm

Thought i would post this here. Some are creeped out by Twitter et al. Well, I guess some kid said he was recruited by Wichita State and then said he committed. The ensuing Twitter explosion occurred but things didn't seem to be right and some questioned the truth of the whole thing. It finally got topped off by a WSU compliance Tweet:

@ShockerBylaws: @RKing_Willz is not a Wichita State prospective student-athlete. Please ignore his posts related to Wichita State Athletics.

Pretty damned funny.
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby ZMagic30 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 8:47 pm

Didn't we have something similar happen with that power forward who ended up going juco or whatever?
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby HandDownManDown » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:07 am

I was going to start a thread on this. At least our situation was with an actual player; I guess this guy is 5 foot 1 and doesnt even play!

I wonder if he chose Wichita for this because he figured no one would notice?
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Re: Recruiting process ???

Postby LynchMob » Wed Sep 24, 2014 11:36 am

ZMagic30 wrote:Didn't we have something similar happen with that power forward who ended up going juco or whatever?

That whole thing was weird. However, we don't have tons of fans from central Kansas who have never followed college basketball before last year.

Well, maybe we do, but they don't seem to follow our recruiting.

We drove through Wichita and stopped at a Chick-fil-A in full Creighton gear on our way to San Antonio. Despite seeing virtually everyone there in yellow and black, no one said a word. I remain thoroughly convinced that this is because none of them were Wichita fans the last time Wichita and Creighton played.
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