Frankamp would be a better fit at CU than at WSU. His game fits McDermott's game better than it fits Marshall's. I don't know how Boyle, at Colorado, plays, but if he plays like Turgeon, who he coached with at WSU, then Frankamp's game could fit there as well.
I don't see a way he can pick WSU, unless he's willing to pay his own way for a year and a half. WSU has 2 using the last of their eligibility this year and 4 signed for next year. A couple of RS Jr's will graduate in spring and may choose to leave WSU (Baker to the NBA, and Wessel to real life). There simply isn't any scholarship room for Frankamp at WSU until 2016-'17. He has to pay second semester this year no matter where he goes, unless he finds a school that had an open scholarship at the beginning of the year. Scholarships are for a year, not broken down by semesters.