ZMagic30 wrote:You’re a petulant manchild who is potentially the most jaded ex-employee of all time. I don’t know a single poster on there who doesn’t think that you’re a joke, and the fact that you’re going out of your way to shit talk them isn’t a good look for you. You hit lightning in a bottle and got some twitter followers, congratulations. Also, everyone on there knows that you made a burner account. It isn’t even speculation at this point. It’s $9 a month, and certain people (who I’m sure would break your heart, if you knew who) have openly said that they trust them with information that they wouldn’t tell you. But sure, go ahead and keep this act up like everyone doesn’t see through you. Have fun when the well dries up.
Say what you want. Bluejay Bummer board is in its own little world (outside of a few people). Did I get lucky with my Twitter account? Yes I did, I’ve said that before I’m very blessed. But I’m just a fan like everyone else here. I am not above anyone else. But I will not put up with the fake news that’s being spread about me. I have no idea who you are, but I’m not gonna insult you or call you names.. I’m a 21 year old college student, I am still learning a lot about life. Have I gone about some things the wrong way? Yes. But you can’t judge me off an internet board or a Twitter account. And the well drying up? Idk what well you’re referring to but my well is spring fed