Probably fair to say that Creighton, under Altman and Mac, has never landed as polished a player as McQuaid looks to be. Since this is only the second year during that stretch that the program's not been recruiting as an MVC school, and Omaha rarely puts out elite talent, that's understandable.
Plenty of mixtapes have HS or open gym footage, where about every dude besides the highlighted player looks weak. This is mostly EYBL footage, with some really good teammates and mostly solid looking opposition. (the last Clarke tape I saw, which also had legit grassroots opposition, was similarly very impressive- Clarke's shot isn't comparable to McQuaid's, just as McQuaid's explosiveness and physicality isn't comparable to Clarke's)
Going to be heartbreak city if we lose out on McQuaid twice. Would be much more brutal a second time as our options are way more limited than they were when he chose SMU.
I guess the prevailing wisdom is that he'll head to East Lansing this weekend and decide soon thereafter? The Spartans fans seem hopeful that he's going those choose them. Haven't heard much talk of UNC or another previously mentioned school getting seriously involved at this point (did see one reference to Ol' Roy contacting him again). Although, with the one UT player who could be on his way out, there still seems to be a bit of talk of them not being totally out of the mix (kind of hard to believe after his non-visit and the rumors about Barnes' lack of optimism about McQuaid).