Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer, Wichita State Commit)

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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby Bluejay Bilas » Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:02 pm

cu1979 wrote:He may be waiting to learn exactly how much he will have to pay for the spring semester since we are full of scholarships.

He would have a scholarship after this spring.

If it comes down to money, and I've heard nothing to suggest that it will, WSU can probably beat anyone. With fees, a semester of 6 credit hours, which I think is the bare semester minimum for NCAA purposes, at Shocker U. appears to cost about $1,500. ... itionfees/

These junior college rates and Sunrise Academy are very helpful for Coach Marshall and his stockpiling ways. Throw in the facts that (a) like Omaha, Shocker hoops is the main show in a medium-sized city for a few months, (b) WSU apparently has nice financial backing from the Koch family and others, (c) WSU is not exactly the Harvard of Southern Kansas, and (d) WSU’s only recent legit conference competition moved to the Big East, and it’s clear that WSU has a lot of institutional and situational advantages at this point. Marshall’s a fantastic coach, so they’d take a hit if he left. But, that program would still be the class of the MVC, barring a Rick Johnson-like hire.

Back to Frankamp and CU, any good rumors out there? Things go well this weekend? Are the two CUs and WSU still the interested parties? Zierden, Huff and Frankamp would be a great 3-point shooting trio. If Harrell, Hegner and Milliken (for the one semester they'd all be together) get going, or Krampelj is ready to play and shoot well next year, and that would be a ridiculous long-range roster.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby Chicagojayfan » Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:13 pm

Bluejay Bilas wrote:
cu1979 wrote:He may be waiting to learn exactly how much he will have to pay for the spring semester since we are full of scholarships.

He would have a scholarship after this spring.

If it comes down to money, and I've heard nothing to suggest that it will, WSU can probably beat anyone. With fees, a semester of 6 credit hours, which I think is the bare semester minimum for NCAA purposes, at Shocker U. appears to cost about $1,500. ... itionfees/

These junior college rates and Sunrise Academy are very helpful for Coach Marshall and his stockpiling ways. Throw in the facts that (a) like Omaha, Shocker hoops is the main show in a medium-sized city for a few months, (b) WSU apparently has nice financial backing from the Koch family and others, (c) WSU is not exactly the Harvard of Southern Kansas, and (d) WSU’s only current legit conference competition moved to the Big East, and it’s clear that WSU has a lot of institutional and situational advantages at this point. Marshall’s a fantastic coach, so they’d take a hit if he left. But, that program would still be the class of the MVC, barring a Rick Johnson-like hire.

He will have academic and financial aid available while he is sitting out prior to playing and that should make it close enough to make it a bargain from an educational standpoint. The reality of transferring mid season is that most teams lack an available scholarship.

The big advantage we have is that our system suits his skills so well. WSU is, obviously, an excellent team, but Creighton's offense seems to have been created for a guy like Frankamp.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby cujaysfan » Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:37 pm

I'd think walking with a CU degree for one semester out of pocket is still a pretty damn good deal, comparatively.

if you plan on living the rest of your life in wichita, KS - i guess it doesn't make much difference and you might as well save the 5-6k difference.

i also think that this might be the year that marshall bolts. I could see him being a fallback candidate for Indiana should their desires to land Shaka or Brad Stevens fail. He'd be hard pressed to turn down that gig.

what's the kid's major anyway?
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby minakirogue » Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:52 pm

cujaysfan wrote: what's the kid's major anyway?

According to his old KU bio he was undecided as of last year. But since it is KU, probably Comm seeing as how that is a pretty common major with KU athletes.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby T-bone » Tue Nov 25, 2014 11:13 pm

minakirogue wrote:
cujaysfan wrote: what's the kid's major anyway?

According to his old KU bio he was undecided as of last year. But since it is KU, probably Comm seeing as how that is a pretty common major with KU athletes.

Kind of like business at Creighton?
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby ictjay » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:05 am

Conner and his Dad were back on campus (WSU) yesterday with assistant Greg Heiar. Who knows.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby Duke1Agn » Wed Nov 26, 2014 10:20 am

Yea, no clue what's going to happen here. Hard to fault the kid if he goes to WSU. Good program and it's his hometown. At the same time, I'm not sure competing against Valley teams is going to exactly be thrilling for him. Imagine going from playing Texas and Oklahoma at Allen Fieldhouse to playing at Loyola Chicago in front of 400 fans. Conner will still get to play marquee games on a regular basis at Creighton. The same can't be said for WSU.

He and IZ are really similar players, and I'm sure Conner has noticed that as well, which may be why the decision hasn't been made yet. With that said, I sure as heck hope he chooses Creighton.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby AttyAlum » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:08 am

cu1979 wrote:He may be waiting to learn exactly how much he will have to pay for the spring semester since we are full of scholarships.

I think this makes the most logical sense. He could be waiting to see what kind of financial aid packages each of the schools will offer to him. If that is the case, and if his family is not loaded, it would be hard to negatively judge him for doing so.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby mel ott » Wed Nov 26, 2014 11:37 am

AttyAlum wrote:
cu1979 wrote:He may be waiting to learn exactly how much he will have to pay for the spring semester since we are full of scholarships.

I think this makes the most logical sense. He could be waiting to see what kind of financial aid packages each of the schools will offer to him. If that is the case, and if his family is not loaded, it would be hard to negatively judge him for doing so.

I hope any kid and his parents wouldn't make a decision based on a single semester cost to go to school( see Ricky Kreklow). There will be a huge difference in education for life after school that far outweighs the cost of a semester. To go from Kansas to the new Valley level of competition and the cities ( Terra Haute, Evansville, Carbondale- wow) would be a significant drop. Going to Creighton and playing the Big East teams and venues- no comparison. Be a Jay.
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Re: Conner Frankamp (Kansas Transfer)

Postby bird_call » Wed Nov 26, 2014 12:03 pm

Can anyone say what the relative competition would be for his playing time at the three schools?

Next year, we have the following guards:
Watson - Jr.
Zierden - Jr.
Milliken - Sr.
Harrell - Fr.
Stewart - Fr or redshirt

If Frankamp comes on board, maybe Stewart redshirts? But that is still five guys competing for playing time, including clear contributors this year and a key transfer. With 2.5 years of eligibility, it seems like he'd be guaranteed a spot in the rotation in year one and a guaranteed starter by year 3?

How does the talent at WSU and CU compare?
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