jayball wrote:
What reason do you have to question the coaches on the recruiting front?
They aren't working hard enough......bullcrap.
They aren't getting ranked players....wrong, but people need to realize that not every good player is gonna be top 50 or top 100. There are 5 players on the court at time and 1 ball.
We can't compete with the Big East....how the f do you know that? We competed pretty damn well with an MVC roster.
Most of the posters on here know jackshit about anything. We read internet articles done mostly by fanboys and watch highlight videos with zero understanding of the level of competition begin faced. I enjoy following recruiting, but you are gonna be on miserable SOB if you are gonna hyperanlayze every bit of it from what you read on the web. I think it's unfair to start calling out staff when the class isn't finished yet.
We are gonna have 50 nos to every yes.
deal with it.
I want to see these guys continue their run of success as much as you do, and I think there is good reason to envision that happening.
Some of my problem on this front may relate to paying attention to the reporting of CU recruiting and watching as most every guy who is considered a top target or high priority ends up at a different school. Not suggesting here that we should be winning every battle or even most battles. Or, that we haven't ended up with some really good players. But to me, it's natural in this new world of CU athletics to have some concern about the transition, especially on a CU recruiting news day such as today.