Keep updated on possible future Bluejays.
Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:14 am
“He currently has four offers from Creighton, Saint Louis, Tennessee and Vanderbilt. “
But wants to hear from Louisville or Kentucky. :-/
Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:01 am
for a helicopter parent, he comes across as pretty down to earth lol. of course he doesn't wanna say why its the fourth school in four years.
Thu Aug 23, 2018 11:57 am
It appears to me that Zion played for 3 different high school teams but only attended 1 high school. When he was in the 7th and 8th grade, he wasn't attending high school but played varsity as some states allow. In Nebraska, you can't play high school sports until your freshman year.
Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:12 am
Top 30 recruit says he’s announcing his top 5 soon. Only has 9 or 10 offers. ESPN and 247 both say we’ve offered but Rivals and Verbal Commits doesn’t show where we offered. I also believe he is a 2021 recruit.
Wed Aug 21, 2019 9:51 am
drbluejay wrote:It appears to me that Zion played for 3 different high school teams but only attended 1 high school. When he was in the 7th and 8th grade, he wasn't attending high school but played varsity as some states allow. In Nebraska, you can't play high school sports until your freshman year.
school hopping is usually a bad sign, but these days parents and athletes shop around for the best opportunities. He's not super tall, so could be as simple as just finding the right coach and system (although apparently Kentucky doesn't like that very much!).
For a top 30 guy, he doesn't have a lot of top 30 kinds of offers.
Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:10 pm
Seems like dad selected the school for reasons not necessarily tied to basketball. If dad is to be believed, he wanted to avoid a large city school and find a community where he could have a better school experience. Marshall County has a population of 36,000, and the school looks like a typical rural community high school, and is located a little outside of Paducah. Its a very nice area near Kentucky Lake if you have ever driven that way to Nashville. Zion apparently stayed at the school, even though he was ineligible to play for the school his sophomore year. If he sticks with it junior year and into senior year, I think that alleviates a lot of concern over school hopping. Having said all that, I don't see him at Creighton. I think dad has visions of something much bigger.
Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:40 pm
cu8493 wrote:Seems like dad selected the school for reasons not necessarily tied to basketball. If dad is to be believed, he wanted to avoid a large city school and find a community where he could have a better school experience. Marshall County has a population of 36,000, and the school looks like a typical rural community high school, and is located a little outside of Paducah. Its a very nice area near Kentucky Lake if you have ever driven that way to Nashville. Zion apparently stayed at the school, even though he was ineligible to play for the school his sophomore year. If he sticks with it junior year and into senior year, I think that alleviates a lot of concern over school hopping. Having said all that, I don't see him at Creighton. I think dad has visions of something much bigger.
You never know. I like that we are in on him.. and maybe some Mo Watson highlight reels in our offense will go a long ways
Wed Aug 21, 2019 1:47 pm
cu8493 wrote:Seems like dad selected the school for reasons not necessarily tied to basketball. If dad is to be believed, he wanted to avoid a large city school and find a community where he could have a better school experience. Marshall County has a population of 36,000, and the school looks like a typical rural community high school, and is located a little outside of Paducah. Its a very nice area near Kentucky Lake if you have ever driven that way to Nashville. Zion apparently stayed at the school, even though he was ineligible to play for the school his sophomore year. If he sticks with it junior year and into senior year, I think that alleviates a lot of concern over school hopping. Having said all that, I don't see him at Creighton. I think dad has visions of something much bigger.
I’m just wondering, how can you say his dad visions something much bigger when you stated his dad wanted him to go to a smaller high school?
Wed Aug 21, 2019 2:11 pm
No doubt in my mind his dad has visions of blueblood basketball for the kid in college. But, in the article he talks about wanting his son's HS experience to be something different. I don't recall the exact words, but essentially in the article I read he was looking for a smaller HS (as in not inner city 600+ in a class type school) with a good social culture. My impression is that dad feels the big-time spotlight can wait. He has played at the highest level of AAU, so it isn't that he is avoiding that. But maybe wants to balance that out with a little more down to earth upbringing away from the circuit.
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