Please Support WBR

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Please Support WBR

Postby creightonotter » Tue Aug 02, 2022 10:32 pm

Hello, Jays hoops fans! As we at WBR embark on Year #14 of covering Creighton sports, we'd like your help.

In the coming weeks, we're going to relaunch our Bluejay Beat podcast as a subscription via Patreon.

We're doing this so we can continue & improve our coverage of CU sports, including recruiting!

It won't cost much. And, we know you're not all podcast listeners.

But, over the years here and in our socials, we've had many people reach out and ask how they could support WBR's efforts.

The answer, simply, is -- subscribe to the Bluejay Beat podcast when we relaunch it.

We'll still offer our other shows for free. But, we're testing this model as a means to monetize a sliver of our content.

As always, our written stuff will *always* be free of charge.

Oh, and if you run or work for an organization that wants to sponsor our podcasts, newsletter, and/or our written content, dont hesitate to DM us or email us at

Thanks for considering. Here's to making Year #14 a special one on the Hilltop!
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